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2 Resultados de traducción para nerve en español

noun | verb

nerve noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
nervio; coraje, valor, fuerza de la voluntad; atrevimiento, descaro

Ejemplos de uso de
nerve noun

  • The optic nerve in the eye allows you to see.
  • a condition affecting the nerves in her arm
  • It takes a lot of nerve to start a new career.
  • He found the nerve to stand up to his boss.
  • I was going to ask her to the dance, but I lost my nerve.
  • You have a lot of nerve to talk to me that way.
  • I can't believe she had the nerve to call me a liar.

Sinónimos detallados para nerve noun

Ver: Temerity

nerve verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
nerved, has nerved, is nerving, nerves
armarse de valor

Ejemplos de uso de
nerve verb

  • needs to nerve himself for the big game tomorrow
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Frases relacionadas para nerve

Traducción inversa para nerve

nervio  - nerve, tendon, sinew, gristle (in meat), energy, drive, rib (of a vault) 
coraje  - valor, courage, anger 
valor  - value, worth, importance, courage, valor 
atrevimiento  - daring, boldness, insolence 
descaro  - audacity, nerve